Sunday, 29 November 2009

The wonderful weekend that was...

Im aware that i havent been here in a while. Its not my fault ive had a hungry boyfriend to entertain and feed for the past four days. Now im not overly keen on using this blog as a diary to document all the mundane things ive done with my day, but ive had a pretty good weekend and feel that certain snipets should get an airing. But dont worry, ill be brief.

On thursday there was the slightly interesting event that was nicholas cage turning on our christmas lights. There was too many people and i was so far a way that he was just a grey smudge. He did a bit of speech, then got on his billion pound helicopter back to richville. But regardless of this blip on my day i still managed to buy myself these bad ass mother fuckers.

And i gave the badboys an airing when we all went out for a good old knees up at Moles. Moles is a club in Bath thats all underground and is overtly purple. Its pretty good though cause the musics good and its a double for two quid. Cant really ask for more. I woke up the next day with an epic hangover and the only memory being these snaps.

I spent the following day walking around the so called "best german market in britain". It wasnt. It was raining and everything was over priced and completely useless. This was however balanced out by a cheeky hangover day mcdonalds (im not proud) and me finding the my one and only perfect dress ever. It cost me 15 pounds from H&M and i call it my orbit dress. I will, one day, provide photos of its amazingnness.

Now the most lovely moment of my weekend, admist the dinner cooked for me (shocking) and all those sickening precious moments that come with long distant relationships, was getting my photos back!! I love the whole process of a disposable camera. The fact that you dont get to see photos untill there developed and so you dont what crackers your gonna get. And its ok if people looke dreadful in them or there not perfect. Thats the beauty of them. And best of all you have actual photos in your hand that you can stick on things like doors and walls and in photo albums.

Its a shame the whole affair had to end really. I desperately dont want monday to get here. But here is a little ditty (yes my friend, thats ditty) to amuse your ears on this rainy sunday evening.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009


I cant sleep. I havent been able to sleep for the past two weeks. Its not so much that i cant sleep but it takes me till four in the morning to do so, leaving me grumpy when i eventually do wake up the next morning. I lie in bed for hours and hours desperately hoping to finally drift off to sleep, but nothing. I remain wide awake and active as ive cold water chucked over my head. Its not a nice feeling. I myself am partly to blame, i have a lot of free days on my course and so spend much of my tame just generally wandering and not doing anything particularly strenuous with my time. So when it does come to my bed time im hardly warn out. I looked online for some answers. Turns out, im doing it all wrong. Theres a reason i cant sleep, and its my own damn stupidity. Here are some of the best ways to get some decent kip and how i seem to have ignored them all. Ive thrown some in too for good measure.
  • Have a routine

The idea is that about an hour before you go to bed you have a routine that lets you brain know that ' ooh must be time to sleep'. Things like watch newsnight (or something much cooler), put on pjs, have cup of tea, brush teeth, listen to late night radio then bamm! Your asleep. I, however, have no routine. My only routine seems to be; go to bed, stay awake. I should get me one of these

  • Have a nice hot bath

Apparently just having one of those lovely boiling hot, bubble filled baths right before you go to bed gets you all cosy and ready to sleep. And its a big no to having showers. All the water falling on you head is not gonna help you sleep in the same way a piano dropping on your head wont help. Here my only flaw is not having tried it, but i will.

  • No computer/tv/big amounts of food or sugar an hour before bed

Now, in my opinion this is a bit of a rubbish rule. Sort of rules midnight feasts out of the question. But i can sort of understand the no tele thing. Gorping at a screen right before you try and nod off is bound to make things difficult. All the bright lights and warbing sounds are just gonna perk your brain right up. I, however, sit and eat big piles of jaffa cakes while watching the whole series of spaced on 4OD. ooh and i wonder why i cant sleep.

  • Have a calming and relaxing environment.

This means that your bedroom should be a haven of tranquility and peace. And as far as im aware a clothing carpet and a fleece for a curtain doesnt really qualify. I must tidy my room, if only for my own sanity. Though im fairly sure one of those glade jobbies would work just as well. But more seriously, have a tidy room that smells ok and is warm. It will certainly help.

  • Try reading before sleeping

I know your not suppose to 'over stimulate' your mind or anything, but a spot of light reading before setting down to sleep will help. The more boring the book the better, maybe the dictionary. It gets you mind all imagining things and therefor, surely, ready for all the dreaming. But me being incapable of doing anything quite right chose to read American Pyscho. Patrick Batemen is far from the best of bedfellows. (ooh the book is sooo much better than the film)

  • Get rid of all your thoughts

I dont mean this quite litereally. But the reason alot of people cant get to sleep is because they have something on their mind that they just cant stop thinking about. No matter how trivial. The best thing to do is write it down, even if you scrawl it on the wall next to your bed. That problem will still be there in the morning and you can worry about it then. Im the biggest worrier in the world. The tiniest problem will keep me awake for hours, thinking up every possible outcome for it, i make myself sick with it. but yet still i lie there and stew. not good.

  • Try getting wasted/stoned

Now i know this one may seem a little much. But getting stoned give you the best nights sleep ever, even if your sleeping on some wooden floor in the ceiling of some barn (it may have happened). You may make up feeling a little...dry, but thats worth it for a decent nights sleep. Same goes for getting wasted. We all know that when we drink, it will get to a certain time of the night when you start dropping off. And no matter where you are like a taxi, a club or just your friends house (these too may have happened) theres just no stopping it. So simply make that dropping off point coinside with your bed time and your sorted.

  • Not be lonely

I shall elaborate. Its my firm belief that the main reason behind me not being able to sleep is down to sheer lonliness. The last time I had a decent nights sleep was two weeks ago. The last time i saw old hughie (the boyfriend) was two weeks ago. Coincidence i think not. I have simply been awake for the past two weeks due to the simple fact that i missed him. And now as he is coming tomorrow i should hopefully be able to get some sleep! After that he can go home as he will have fulfilled my requirements.

And for those of you, who like me, have resorted to the internet because you cant sleep i have the perfect song for you. Think of it as a lullaby. But not in a sissy way.

Monday, 23 November 2009

If i suddenly became a millionaire

I have lived in my current house for the past ten years. Before that i lived in at least four other houses. But the house, and more importantly the room i have now seem to be the most im familiar with. Though now, due to my parents being unable to stand one anothers company, we moving yet again. And somehow, much to my protest, i have been given the smallest bedroom that any one ever has had the misfortune of having. I'll be lucky if i can fit in a set of shelves and pack of cards in there. My brothers and dad have managed to get rooms the size of football pitches. Barbaric i say. But...theres little i can do. Technically i am away at uni, there for not there all the time. And with this in mind i felt maybe i could something with this teeny weeny micro space and make it somewhere lovely and comfy, and just better than the fucking massive rooms. I, after lots of thinking and trawling through rubbish website, have found what i think would be the perfect bedroom. I hope you like it, and any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

The main problem with the room is the fact that my bed fills most of the room dont actually have anywhere to put anything. I want to get me some shelves like this;
As well as having storage on the walls, ive got loads of space under my bed which would be a shame to waste. I found this box thats perfect to pop under the bed to fill will the crap that would otherwise be on my floor.

I, like anyother girl, have a box somewhere thats just full of tangled old earings and chains. I want this little wonder in my room to solve the bloody problem.

As after all, i am only a woman, you cant say no to a spot of posh lighting. Im gonna get me this badboy.

Alot of people have wallpaper on the walls as a kind of feature wall. but that seems like a bit of faff. I found a pretty mint alternative, this wall sticker can go anywhere in the room and theres billions of designs.

Its always nice to have comfiness to your room, so i would give my right arm to have this kinda thing on my bed.

And of course, im gonna wanna look at my room through something, so why not this. It can either be one big one on its on, or lots of little smaller ones.

To be fair i could sit here for hours and hours going on about all the little tiny details of this dream room i appear to have conjured up in my mind. But i wont bore you. I just had all these lovely ideas for how i wanted it too look so felt like sharing them.

Also I think it is of upmost importance that you listen to this song.

Saturday, 21 November 2009

and so it begins...

For months now i have been meaning to start a blog of some kinds. And seeing as today is a rainy, post-friday night comedown kind of a day, i thought what better opertunity than this. I have this feeling that i must share with the world the mundane and trivial events that happen in my life. My opinions on x-factor (limited as they are), how drunk i got the night before and got in the lamest fight ever with a tazi driver and the amusing lines my boyfriend seems to come up with.

See here...this is me.

Ok, so a few things about me. Im 20 and at uni. Im originally from Nottingham and will defend it to the ends of the earth over the reputation of it being the knife/crime/teenage pregnancy/knobhead capital of Britain. I love music and i love to spread the word of new music. I love clothes and i love wearing them. I love going out and drinking too much and dancing too much. I love stories and sharing them. Im generally an average 20 year old and dont live a particularly unusal life but i feel i have something to add to it.

So from here on in its just the two us, well me talking and you hopefully reading and maybe one day finding amusing, and to kick things off i have a treat for you in the form of The Drums. Enjoy!