Saturday, 21 November 2009

and so it begins...

For months now i have been meaning to start a blog of some kinds. And seeing as today is a rainy, post-friday night comedown kind of a day, i thought what better opertunity than this. I have this feeling that i must share with the world the mundane and trivial events that happen in my life. My opinions on x-factor (limited as they are), how drunk i got the night before and got in the lamest fight ever with a tazi driver and the amusing lines my boyfriend seems to come up with.

See here...this is me.

Ok, so a few things about me. Im 20 and at uni. Im originally from Nottingham and will defend it to the ends of the earth over the reputation of it being the knife/crime/teenage pregnancy/knobhead capital of Britain. I love music and i love to spread the word of new music. I love clothes and i love wearing them. I love going out and drinking too much and dancing too much. I love stories and sharing them. Im generally an average 20 year old and dont live a particularly unusal life but i feel i have something to add to it.

So from here on in its just the two us, well me talking and you hopefully reading and maybe one day finding amusing, and to kick things off i have a treat for you in the form of The Drums. Enjoy!

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