Friday, 11 December 2009

Its good to know...

that shivalry isn't dead. My boyfriend lent my his shoes because mine were hurting my feet the other night. He wandered the streets of manchester in just his socks. But, afterall, he is still a boy and so complained about his ruined socks for the next two days and used it as leverage in any possible circumstance in which to get his own way.

oof, my cough is so bad. I think i might cough up a lung.

I went out in manchester and got pretty shittless. So shitless in fact i may have met newt from hollyoaks but dont even remember!

Im gonna have some wacky dreams tonight as ive just had a cheese sandwhich. I hope i dream of food.

And here we close with a final number...please give the video your time.

1 comment:

  1. wow. Your boyfriend lent you his shoes...I'm seriously impressed.

